Friday, 26 February 2016

My Hope For Other's Dreams

What stood out this week? Or rather, what positive event stood out this week as the news was full of horrific stories again so I won't even go there... ?


A unique human quality of looking into the future and being expectant of an outcome. Maybe animals possess it on a very short time line perspective. My dogs watching my children eating, hopeful of a morsel dropping to the floor, as an example. But they don't look forward to next week and hope that we buy them a new bed or even to tomorrow, that the bowl of food is a little deeper than usual. Theirs is a very limited hope. We on the other hand, can extend of view years into the future and hope for a certain outcome. What are the things you are hoping for? How far into the future are you reaching for? And here's the clincher, how selfish are your hopes? Are they all about you and what you want to achieve or are their some that are purely for others, where you will have zero benefit other than the joy of seeing their dreams realised. I must admit, if I think quickly about what I am hoping for, I am pretty much on the selfish list! I of course have those 'hopes' of a peaceful country, a cure for cancer, better education for all, and so on and so on... but very few specific hopes for specific people in need. I hope I am the minority here and those reading this have far more worthy hopes than myself. There is of course, nothing wrong with personal hopes and dreams but (talking to myself now) don't become completely self-absorbed in yourself. Allow yourself to empathise with another's circumstances and then a hope for a breakthrough for them will develop in you. Everybody needs to have a level of hope and should grasp onto that hope with all they have. Even if it is the slightest thought of something better than where they are now. Without hope, you will have a dreary view of life and a very quick, slippery slide down into depression will ensue. On the other hand, if there is a hope for something small, there is reason to get up and actively look for it. One hope ignites another and another and another. Before long a hope inferno will be raging that others can't help but notice and be inspired. Helping others achieve their hopes and dreams will spread that flame further than your limited boundaries. Once again I ask you, what are the things you are hoping for? What are you doing to help someone else achieve their hopes? Once again, I am so far off the mark on this one, but have realised where I am and will make the change. Will you...?

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