Friday, 8 August 2014

Looking After the Whole

So many of the things around us require maintenance and care as well as the occasional upgrade. From our cars to our homes to our computers. Without the regular upkeep, they become sluggish, untidy and will ultimately result in premature failure.

Do we do the same for our minds and body?

Currently there are so many ailing people around. Much has to do with the colder weather, people being indoors more and the greater propensity for spreading viruses and bacterial diseases. I do believe there is still a large aspect of neglect when it comes to maintenance of ourselves.  

“When last did you something for your mind, body or soul?”

This is a quote I read on a poster some time ago that has stuck with me. It reminds me that we do need to take account that the components of our make-up do require some attention to keep our ‘whole’ in its best condition. I don’t think any one of the three are more, or less important than the other, although we each have a natural preference and tend to glean towards it. The problem lies in if one component is completely neglected.
  • A mind that is left uninspired or bombarded with constant negativity will degenerate.
  • A body that is pushed to the edge of performance without the correct preparation, sustenance and rest will likely become injured or ill.
  • A soul that is not nurtured will wither and eventually lose that spark of life.

The ‘whole’ is only as good as the building blocks that it is comprised of. One weak block can jeopardise the integrity of your entire make-up.

Last week I wrote about doing something that would rejuvenate your spirit. This is an aspect of the maintenance we require, but we still need the regular routine services to keep everything running as it should.

Continuously challenge your mind by being exposed to new ideas and read thought provoking articles or books to stimulate your brain. Associate with people who challenge your intellect.

Go for a walk, join a boot-camp, play a sport, each some fresh fruit, just put down that fast food take-away and get off the couch or get away from your computer and keep your body healthy.

For your soul, spend some quiet time meditating on what inspires you. As a Christian this would be a time in prayer and reading the bible. For others it may be just sitting quietly contemplating life in general. In our business of life this is often the first block that is sacrificed. I urge you (and me) to re-evaluate the importance of the soul in your make-up and give it the attention it too requires.

I often find time or rather the lack thereof as the biggest reason not being able to do my maintenance. The risk is that a downward spiral starts, where the lack of maintenance results in some failings that put you further behind schedule or results in poor performance that robs you of more time to rectify. Now there is even less time to do maintenance... At some point there will be complete breakdown where your ‘whole’ is no longer whole and a forced stop will be required to rebuild what has been damaged. Rather evaluate what you currently spend your time on. There will always be something that is completely value-less that can be replaced with some much needed maintenance. In the long run, this will actually lead to having more free time, as you will be more efficient, positive and inspired.

I challenge you, this weekend, do something for your mind, body and spirit and just see what impact it has on your performance next week.

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