Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Taking It Back

The other day, my son was sitting quietly on my lap when he turned to me and said he was watching the long arm on my watch spinning around. I suppose he found the smooth motion of the second hand was quite hypnotic. What stood out for me, was that for every smooth cycle of motion that long arm traveled through for each second was a second that was never coming back for him. It was a moment that he had and is now gone. Strangely, I've never thought of time in context with my children. Perhaps because the seemingly have a whole lifetime ahead of them. Even still, every second is still a precious moment.
I later bumped into  running/riding mate whom I hadn't seen in a while and found out had an aneurysm and the doctors had reported he is one of a few who have survived such a condition. I think I was getting a reminder message...

Last week, I was (to put it mildly) pretty angry with the world for various reasons but mostly because of the disappointment in how disgusting the human race can be. I found my thoughts constantly returning to 'the scene of the crime', plotting my revenge, stewing in my anger and being completely miserable. To steal a quote, every second spent in anger is a second lost that could have been spent in happiness. It's like allowing yourself to be robbed over and over again by staying in that place. Not only have you had your emotions upset but now 'It' continues to steal your joy. It's time to take it back. I would much rather spend a second in a happy place than in that place of anger.
Have your moment as it is a natural reaction but then start moving forward. If there is something to be done, do it and move on swiftly. Don't dwell in that space, move through it before you allow it to rob you of your happiness. You can choose! Deal with the things you have control over but don't brood over issues that you cannot influence. You are investing in something with absolutely no positive return for anyone and that is just plain stupid. Take back your happiness.

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