Friday, 24 July 2015

How Often Do You Sow?

Reap what you sow

Reap what you sow in your life
Every opportunity awaits the willing
A chance to plant the seeds of hope
Placed in the ground with a purpose

When the seeds grow into serenity
Having a chance to be inspiring
An exhileration of the joys of labor
Then you're prepared for what life is!

Yes, for you'll have that chance to teach
Or learn just by dedicating  yourself
Understanding the benefits...reap what you sow

So in that garden of life...when it's truly seen
Often missed by many...the real spirituality
When you...reap what you sow...each and everyday


This week seemed quite uneventful in comparison with the latest torrent of DIY projects on the go. One event that did stand out, was an opportunity I was given to promote the field of mechanical engineering to some young adults who are exploring their options for their future after school. What an honour to be able to provide some input into guiding these individuals, who could go on to become the next Gordon Murray or Mark Shuttleworth or Elon Musk. I will likely never see them again nor know if my presentation affected them in any way, but just being able to use my experience to sow into their lives and being able to help guide them in their career choice, is a huge privilege. I imagine this is a small taste of the satisfaction teachers get every day.
The poetry above, I thought captured the essence of what happened yesterday.

How often do you sow?

It's not the 'karma-ists' who invented this principle of sowing and reaping, it's a practical law of nature. You will not grow maize if you plant apple seeds! You won't grow a crop at all if you don't plant any seed. It's a biblical principal too. It moves on from the the agricultural example and into what we do for our carnal sowing and reaping and ultimately for our spiritual sowing.
Sometimes, this can be hard work with very little visible reward hence the trap of falling into the worldly instantaneous gratification system that yields crops quickly but of very poor quality. Something worthwhile will always require effort and persistence. The crop will produce at the right time, so don't stop tending the fields.

For some crops, you may actually never see the efforts of your labour. The true test of your heart is whether you sow anyway...

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