Friday, 6 June 2014

Will You Find The Enthusiasm

So this week, I feel a bit of pressure after “going international” last week. Blog views from UK, Germany, USA, Australia and of course SA. Thanks to those who have encouraged me.
My mind has been filled with so many thoughts, words, ideas, but none have really struck that chord that vibrates to my core as the Friday Message. Perhaps then that is the message, despite a lack of warm fuzzy feeling, we must press on in our commitments. This is quite apt to the current workplace atmosphere, where our workload is low and the decay of morale quite evident. I doubt if there are many of us sitting with that warm fuzzy feeling and all aglow basking in the glory of our chosen career. I could have chosen to post-pone my Friday Message until I felt the inspiration fill me or decide to put my hand to the plough and do what I am meant to do. Similarly, in our workplace we have a choice, to either post-pone our efforts until the enthusiasm finds us or we put ourselves to work and build the enthusiasm from within. I hear my own brain questioning the sanity of finding any enthusiasm to generate pages and pages of technical documents and lists. You have to remember that these seemingly insignificant items all have key parts to play in the greater picture. Without one of the building blocks, the structure will collapse. The walls rely on the foundations, the roof relies on the walls. Even the greatest sky-scraper relies on that first shovel of dirt to be turned.  Just make sure the shovel is working in the right place, but that is a whole different message.

Enthusiasm is contagious! If you work with someone who is constantly excited about their work, you will feed off their enthusiasm and develop an interest in the subject. Your own enthusiasm will build and eventually feed someone else. Unfortunately the same is true for negative behaviour. Avoid the negative, stop them in their steps and turn the topic positive. ("I'll have mine sunny-side up please!") 

My other advice is to always look for the fun. I believe that in everything there is humour to found. I probably overdo this, to the extent that sometimes, I'm not taken seriously but that's the way I'm wired. Anyway, life is far too short to be taken so seriously.

We must laugh more often. The sound of my children laughing must be the most beautiful sound in the world. We were created unique in our ability to laugh, so why not exploit that human trait to the fullest. Everyone's laugh is as unique as the person itself. Express yourself, don't hold back!

I now find myself, battling to wrap this message up, the enthusiasm has found me!

I hope you give it a try too...

1 comment:

  1. Looking for a city!
    Always cheers me up -
