Closing my eyes this morning and just letting words flash onto the windscreen of my mind, I generated the following list:
Colours, sounds, quietness, waterfalls, open fields, crashing waves, technology, love, sex, busyness, creativity, creation, death, endings, beginnings, fresh starts, connections, friendships, conversation, health, beliefs, faith, hope, prayer, conflict, hate, specifics, randomness, direction.
They seem pretty random, yet have a thread of connection or development or progression from one to the next. What I also found, was that as I read each word, I experienced a certain emotion. Each unique, based on the imagery or memory generated with the association of that word.
How powerful our words can be! If, seemingly random words can change emotions or state of mind, then how much more powerful can a carefully constructed paragraph or a comment in a conversation be? Are your words being used to build or break? Sometimes it's also not the words themselves, but rather the tone or manner in which they are delivered that can deliver a message. A simple message like, "It's time to go", can be delivered as informative, instructional, suggestive or a multitude of other ways just depending on the tone of delivery. Your physical manner of delivery also conveys a message, so bouncing into a room with a smile of your face contrasts someone with hunched shoulders and a downcast demeanor delivering that same message.
Absence of words can convey a message in itself. Possibly lack of interest, withdrawl from the process, either as a sign of rebelling or disapproval, or perhaps a lack of self-confidence in the subject.
Ultimately we get to choose our words and the manner in which we present them. Everyday, we also get to observe and interpret messages presented to ourselves. I urge you to think carefully about your words and the manner of conveyance, as the power and effect can have a significant impact. Remember, as you occasionally allow your words to poison, so too do other people make mistakes and you may be on the receiving end of a poorly thought out message. Beware of the people who consistently convey destructive messages and be even more aware if you are one of those people.
Choose to build.